Organization of World Heritage Cities
Asia-Pacific Regional Secretariat

Living World Heritage Cities
with Life, History and Creation

World Congress

The World Congress is the OWHC’s largest event where
the World Heritage Cities across the globe are brought together.

Since it was first held in 1991, the World Congress is a meaningful event where mayors and experts from member cities are brought together
to share their thoughts about sustainable development of world heritage and bolster the OWHC network worldwide.

For more information, please visit the official website of the OWHC!

World Congresses

Year City/Country Theme
Year2024 City/CountryCordoba, Spain Theme Habitability of Historic Centers
Year2022 City/CountryQuebec, Canada Theme Enhancing Livability in World Heritage Cities
Year2019 City/CountryKrakow, Poland Theme Heritage and Tourism
Year2017 City/CountryGyeongju, Republic of Korea Theme Heritage and Communities: Tools to Engage Local Communities
Year2015 City/CountryArequipa, Peru Theme World Heritage Cities, Resilient Cities
Year2013 City/CountryOaxaca, Mexico Theme Heritage Cities, Sustainable Cities
Year2011 City/CountrySintra, Portugal Theme World Heritage Cities and Climate Change
Year2009 City/CountryQuito, Ecuador Theme Revitalization of Historical Centers: How to engage all social actors
Year2007 City/CountryKazan, Russian Federation Theme Heritage and Economics
Year2005 City/CountryCuzco, Peru Theme Heritage of Humankind, a Heritage with Humanity
Year2003 City/CountryRhodes, Greece Theme Keeping Heritage Alive: Education and training for the preservation and management of cultural heritage
Year2001 City/CountryPuebla, Mexico Theme Prevention and protection measures for the World Heritage Cities in case of disasters
Year1999 City/CountrySantiago de Compostela, Spain Theme Innovation in the Management of World Heritage Cities
Year1997 City/CountryEvora, Portugal Theme Tourism and World Heritage Cities – Challenges and Opportunities
Year1995 City/CountryBergen, Norway Theme Communication: How to communicate and Exchange Knowledge, Bearing in Mind Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and Regional Particularities
Year1993 City/CountryFez, Morocco Theme Financing presentation initiatives in World Heritage Cities: why, by whom and how?
Year1991 City/CountryQuebec, Canada Theme Safeguarding, historic urban ensembles in a time of change